digital gatherings & events

In response to the covid-19 pandemic, we will be closing our doors temporarily and will be moving our gatherings to a digital format. We want to promote fellowship and unity during this time, so please use the links and resources below to stay connected.

Sunday Worship – 10am every sunday

We will broadcast our corporate worship service live on Facebook at 10am every Sunday. Click the button below to follow our page so you don’t miss a stream.

Men’s and Women’s Bible studies

The men’s and women’s Bible studies for the spring have ended. It was awesome studying Romans with all of you. We will be putting the Bible studies on pause for the Summer. Stay tuned for some fun Summer activities though!

Women’s Book Club – 7:00pm, May 29

Women are invited to participate in a monthly book club. The next meeting will take place on May 29 at 7:00pm. The book of the month is Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. The meeting will take place at the church, since it will be a small gathering, but those who wish to attend virtually can still do so via the link below. 

quarantine resources

We believe in fostering productivity, creativity, and meaningful family connection during this time of uncertainty and isolation. Here’s a collection of digital resources for you and your family to utilize while stuck at home.

The Bible Project – Church at Home

The Bible Project is sharing a weekly email featuring one of their videos, a special message from pastor Tim Mackie, Scripture readings, and discussion questions for your family. This week’s email can be found here, and to sign up for future emails, click here.

The Rabbit Room – Quarantine Calendar

The Rabbit Room is a community of Christian musicians and authors, and they have assembled a collection of resources for families stuck at home, including “living room” concerts and live book read-alongs. They have a live calendar that updates every morning with the digital activities of the day. Check it out here.

Love your (self-isolated) neighbors

The Gospel Coalition has an article about how to practically love our neighbors during the COVID-19 outbreak. They put together a simple flyer to share with your neighbors and show that you care. We have been handing these out to our neighbors and we encourage you to do the same!

Minno Kids

Minno Kids is an app that offers Christian shows and devotionals for kids and families. We have a church account, so call us or send us a message if you’d like to get access.

The Chosen

Looking for an edifying TV show to watch while quarantined? The Chosen is an excellent series depicting the life of Jesus. You can download an app on your iPhone or Android to watch for free.

Learning to love radically!

Find Us At

1536 Sulphur Springs Rd
Waynesville NC, 28786


(828) 476-8078
