Learning to Love Radically

The Well exists for the sole purpose of creating disciples of Jesus Christ who radically love God and radically love people. Being a disciple of Jesus means ordering your life around three goals: be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did. Our dream is that as we live this way, our lives, our communities, and our county will be transformed.



Our Sunday morning gathering begins with a 30-minute prayer service at 9:15 am, followed by worship and teaching at 10.

If you are new here, we would love for you to be a part of what God is doing here at The Well. If you visit, you will find a group of people who are in love with Jesus and who have laid aside the “Christianese” language of the southern Bible Belt culture that surrounds us. We want to walk with each other in authentic relationship, humbly submitted to the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in each of our lives. We are better together, and we all need each other.

Our Sunday service is an important way we gather together, but it is only a small part of how we do life together in Christian community. You can find more information under the “Community” tab above or by simply joining us on Sunday and getting to know the person next to you. We would love for you to join us on our mission of becoming people who radically love Jesus and radically love each other.

to serve, not to be served

“The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:28)

Here at The Well, we take the Bible as a literal instruction book for how to conduct our lives both at home and in the church assembly, and that starts with our structure and leadership. Putting the words of Jesus above into practice, we have organized our church in a way that we hope encourages every member to not just be a pew warmer, but to use his or her gifting to serve and edify the body. We are an elder-led, volunteer-driven church, with very few paid positions. In many churches, about 20 percent of the people do about 80 percent of the work, but our hope is to equip all of our members to serve each other in radical love and use our various gifts to work together as co-laborers for Christ.

partner with us

Our quarterly team of prayer warriors is dedicated to channeling our resources where they can most effectively aid those in need and propel the Gospel in Haywood County. If you want to support this ministry, we would be most grateful for your gift, and we thank you.

Learning to love radically!

Find Us At

1536 Sulphur Springs Rd
Waynesville NC, 28786


(828) 554-2926
